The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) Live Continued Learning Webinar Series Resources

This nine part live webinar learning series will provide practical guidance to support the implementation of the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) in primary care practices participating in the BCBSM CoCM initiative. Sessions will support skill development for the behavioral health care manager (BHCM) in motivational interviewing, problem solving treatment, and behavioral activation and assist the primary care team in developing processes and workflows to support implementation of the care model.  For further details on training objectives, faculty, and available continuing education credits, click on the following link:

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Problem Solving Treatment

This session will provide an overview of problem solving treatment and how it can be utilized to assist patients with developing problem solving skills utilizing self-management techniques.

Presentation & Materials

Utilizing Problem Solving Treatment Presentation
Problem Solving Therapy Tool

Behavioral Activation

This session will provide an overview of behavioral activation and how it can be utilized to treat patients with depression and/or anxiety.

Presentation & Materials

Utilizing Behavioral Activation Presentation Slides

Motivational Interviewing

These sessions explore the spirit of motivational interviewing, refine the use of motivational interviewing OARS (open-ended questions, affirmation, reflective listening, and summary reflections) and review SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, & referral to treatment) screening tools and assessment techniques.

Motivational Interviewing Handbook

Motivational Interviewing Handbook


These sessions will review strategies, workflows and best practices for implementing collaborative care into a primary care practice.

CoCM Operations: Patient Identification

This session is designed to review CoCM patient identification strategies and share practical best practices for identifying patients eligible to participate in CoCM.

Presentation & Materials

Patient Identification Presentation

Workflow Example Patient Identification Screeening Use of Registry-EMR

CoCM Operations: Systematic Case Review

This session is designed to review components and support tools for the CoCM systematic case review.

Presentation & Materials

Systematic Case Review Operations Presentation

CoCM Operations: Data & Billing Strategies

This session is designed to review billing codes and productivity metrics for CoCM.

Presentation & Materials

Review of the Billing Codes Updated 11.2022

Demonstration Videos

The Michigan Center for Clinical Systems Improvement has provided a series of four educational videos demonstrating the process of Collaborative Care (CoCM).
Click to view the CoCM Demonstration Video Series