Buprenorphine Medical Management: Monitoring the Patient

This session is designed to outline best practices associated with drug testing for monitoring patients with substance use disorder.


To participate in this session:

  1. Complete Pretest.

    Click to Complete Pretest

  2. Watch video.
  3. Complete evaluation and pay for session.
  4. Retrieve continuing education certificate.

Presentation slides:

Buprenorphine Medical Management: Monitoring the Patient Presentation Slides Series Toolkit


Click to complete evaluation


At the conclusion of this training course the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify key values and symptoms to monitor for patients receiving MOUD.
  2. Recognize basic principles associated with drug testing, including appropriate utilization.
  3. Identify the role of presumptive and definitive testing for substances of interest.
  4. Recall general principles associated with monitoring for buprenorphine compliance.
  5. Describe key concepts related to assessing specimen validity.


The course is intended for providers, nurses, social workers, medical assistants, community health works, and other care team members who are seeking to expand their knowledge and skills.


Edward Jouney, D.O., M.S.

Dr. Jouney is an addiction psychiatrist and forensic psychiatric fellow at the Center for Forensic Psychiatry at Michigan Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry. He is a consulting psychiatrist at the UM High-Risk OB Clinic and has successfully trained in Addiction Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. Dr. Jouney received his D.O. degree at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, and completed residency training in Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Dr. Jouney serves on the University of Michigan Health System Controlled Substance Quality Improvement Committee.

View Bio


$25 for members; $25 for non-members

To pay for this course, please click the evaluation link.

Contact Amy Wales at amy.wales@miccsi.org for any questions.

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing Education Credit Available: Providers, Nurses & Social Workers

Session Contact Hours: 2

Conflict of Interest Disclosure: There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.

In order to receive credit for this activity, the learner must complete the pretest, attend the full recorded webinar, complete the posttest and evaluation, and pay for the session. Upon receipt of the posttest and evaluation, the certificate of completion will be awarded.

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