Upcoming Live Training Events
Advancing Skills in Patient Engagement Training
Advancing skills in Engagement & moving towards MI proficiency
During this highly interactive, multi-session training series, the learner will advance their skills in Motivational Interviewing.
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Billing & Coding Training
Actualizing PDCM and PH CM Billing and Coding to Promote Team Based Care
This training provides the foundation of the BCBSM/BCN PDCM billing codes and Priority Health care management codes.
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Self-Management Support: Patient Engagement Training
Optimizing Self-Management through Improved Patient Engagement
During this live, all day training course the learner will gain skills and knowledge related to enhanced communication to enable them to engage and empower patients.
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Serious Illness Conversations Training
Optimizing Serious Illness Conversations, Conducting a Comprehensive Assessment and Care Coordination
An evidence-based care approach to assist patients diagnosed with a serious illness.
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Team-Based Care Training
Optimizing Care Delivery Impact Through The Team-Based Care Approach
During this live, all-day training course the learner will gain knowledge and skills related to working collaboratively in a multidisciplinary setting to assure that care is coordinated, safe, and patient-centered.
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Treating Pain & Addiction
Optimizing management of chronic pain and addiction in primary care
During this live virtual training course, the learner will gain skills and knowledge in leveraging psychosocial and non-pharmaceutical interventions with the use of multi-disciplinary teams to improve chronic pain outcomes.
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